The human brain is not vastly different in structure from many other organisms, yet we lead lives distinctly unlike other species on Earth. Amidst billions of people, it’s a rarity to find two individuals who are exactly alike, not just in appearance but more profoundly in thought and consciousness.
This suggests that natural evolution prioritized Homo sapiens, allowing the soul to exert some of its functions. It represents the seeds of goodness and the blossoms of civilization, battling the instinctual urge to compete, akin to animals, thereby achieving an evolutionary upgrade.
Throughout human history, numerous saints and prophets have unlocked the wisdom of understanding all things during their spiritual ascension. Buddha once remarked, “It’s astounding how all sentient beings possess the wisdom and virtues of the Tathagata, but due to delusions and attachments, they fail to realize it.“
Similarly, Jesus said:
“God alone knows the way to Wisdom; He knows the exact place to find it. He knows where everything is on earth; he sees everything under heaven..” – Job 28:23-28 MSG
Thus, for thousands of years, humanity has perpetuated a cycle of birth, maturation, learning, thinking, farming, working, loving, marrying, procreating, aging, and dying, continuously validating these wise teachings. Even today, these religious teachings play a significant role.
But are we truly happier now than the humans of hundreds or thousands of years ago?
For many, the answer might be that, on a societal level, with better material conditions and increased life expectancy, we should be happier. But when it comes down to the individual, it’s rare for someone to claim absolute bliss in their life. Temporary happiness might be common, but that’s precisely why so many seek spiritual enlightenment or religious solace. We are not truly content, or perhaps, our brains have deceived us.
Our brains evolved when humans were far from being the advanced species we are today. However, due to nature’s slow pace of evolution, our brain’s consciousness has become an impediment to our pursuit of happiness. The ‘self-attachment,’ ‘desire,’ and ‘greed‘, ’anger‘, ’conceit‘, ignorance’, ‘skeptical doubt’ constantly generate unhappiness.
They diminish our control over achieving a happy and contented state of life. Our neural pathways, like algorithms of a computer, were coded and trained in ancient times, primarily focusing on survival, territory, food, conflict, and brevity of life. But with the advent of civilization, humans need cooperation, spiritual growth, and the aim to transcend mortality and return to eternity – goals unattainable with the old neural algorithms. As we use outdated algorithms to navigate new directions, the internal conflicts push us further from our goals, farther from civilization, control, and peace.
Therefore, enhancing our awareness, wisdom, unity of knowledge and action, and sense of happiness becomes one of the most urgent tasks of our time.